How to Camp Sustainably: A Beginners Guide
Photo by Jimmy Conover
Camping may appear as an environmentally friendly activity. The truth is, you can produce just as much waste as you would at home while camping. From plastic dinnerware, to food packaged in single-use materials, there is a lot of waste involved. Fortunately, there are many ways to incorporate sustainability into your trip. Being sustainable can help you save money, and learn how to care for the environment. Here’s how to become a sustainable camper.
1. Utilize What You Have
We often tend to repurchase items we already have, and this is not necessary, especially when you are just going camping. Many may buy a new sleeping bag, new lounge chairs, or random camping gadgets that they will never use. It’s important to only buy supplies when you need them, or it’s time to replace them. So don’t purchase more supplies because you want a brand new version of what you already have. Camping is temporary, but careless waste leaves more permanent impacts.
2. Bring Reusable Items
Many campers want to avoid a tedious clean up, and decide to bring toss away items. This is a huge cause of waste. Instead of bringing single use items, invest in multi-use items that will last decades. “Great multi-use items to take camping include: kitchenware, lighters, storage boxes, and reusable water bottles. This tip will not only protect the environment, but it will also save your money over time. So before your next trip, don’t forget to add reusable items to your packing list” says Norma Sullivan, a travel blogger at Origin Writings and Write my X.
3. Avoid Plastic
Plastic is one of the worst materials to bring camping. Not only are you exposing it to surrounding wildlife, plastic consumption isn’t necessary. Instead, bring non plastic items such as mason jars, wooden boxes, beeswax wraps, and biodegradable products. You can store water, condiments, and produce in mason jars. Wooden boxes can be utilized as a storage for heavy duty camping supplies. Beeswax wraps can protect any fresh food you bring, and can be reused multiple times to rewrap leftovers. Biodegradable products include toiletries such as hair bars, or toothpaste tabs. These products come without plastic packaging, and can be stored in metal tins. Once you’ve finished these products, there is no packaging to be thrown away. These eco-friendly options can easily replace harmful plastic items.
4. Prepare Meals Beforehand
Packing food for a camping trip is no easy feat. Meal preparation before camping can reduce waste, and make cooking at the camp site easier. You can store pre-cooked food, or pre-portioned frozen food in reusable Tupperware containers. This allows you to eliminate any use of plastic, and instead package fresh food ready to cook in a sustainable fashion.
5. Using a Tent
It is a common occurrence for campers to stay in motorized trailers, rather than tents. These trailers rob campers of a true experience in the wilderness, and they also contribute to carbon emissions. Instead of staying in a trailer, try tenting. Today, there is a huge market for impressive types of tents, you can buy high quality, weatherproof tents of any size. There should be enough tent options to satisfy any buyer, so don’t worry about struggling to find the right tent for you. Tenting also doesn't have to be uncomfortable. “There are so many sweet air mattresses you can buy for a restful sleep. After finding the perfect bedding, and tent accessories, you are all set. Trailers are a luxury that many owners take for granted, and if you want to avoid causing waste while camping, tents are a much better option” says Tony Sharpe, a lifestyle blogger at Brit Student and Australia 2 write.
6. Proper Clean Up
Before leaving your campsite, it’s crucial to take the time to clean up thoroughly. There shouldn’t be any waste or equipment left behind. Applying this tip to your camping trip is the cherry on top of your overall effort to be as sustainable as possible. Nobody would want poor, innocent animals to munch on left over garbage, or hurt themselves investigating your unfamiliar equipment. Keep your supplies for your next trip, and ensure you dispose of any waste in an ethical way.
Applying These Tips to Your Own Camping Experience
If you are new to sustainability, applying these tips to your own camping experience may be a challenge. The best way you can have success with these guidelines is by slowly incorporating them into your everyday lifestyle. Being less wasteful at home will help you become less wasteful anywhere. Once you build sustainable habits, you’ll be able to apply them to any scenario. Even if you just decide to tent next time you camp, or bring equipment you already own, every little improvement matters. Camping sustainably is something that anyone can take part in. Before your next camping trip, try one of these tips and see how it goes!
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Sea Going Green is a sustainable tourism consultancy who works with clients to help them create authentic and sustainable experiences to improve guest satisfaction and alleviate adverse impacts of tourism on the environment.
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